Privacy Panel: Panama
CORE Decor Modinex (3'x6') screens incorporated in a clients deck to add privacy and art! These beautiful screens are weather resistant and are easy to maintain & install.
We completed several landscape projects during our time home from COVID. One very satisfying step was laying down the Core Path and pea gravel. My next door neighbors saw my fella and I stomping around and dancing in the first test area we did as a “proof of concept”. They came over and stomped around too. It’s become a thing. It’s funny. Folks kinda tentatively walk on it, then more vigorously, next thing you know they’re stompin’ around. It’s fun! No one can believe how stabilized the gravel is. One of my pics shows my gorilla wagon parked on the gravel. It was fully loaded when I pulled it onto the gravel. No evidence of a track in the gravel at all.
Final notes, Core Path handled the small slope we had to keep to line up with the sidewalks and driveway surrounding the area. It was super easy to cut by hand with heavy duty scissors and tin snips. Could custom fit it to the uneven concrete sections of the older driveway. Looked very nice when done.